Who the Heck is ‘Government’?

The Butcher
3 min readMar 29, 2021

When there’s data missing in accounting,

We blame the bookkeepers.

If a financial institution loses a key customer, it’s the sales group’s problem………..

‘they promised more than the bank could deliver’

When children turn out not too ‘ok’,

We ask who the parents are!


When we use poorly looked-after roads peppered with potholes,

Disrupting businesses,

Damaging vehicles,

Causing major accidents;

We cry out to ‘government’ to help us fix the roads

When street lights are out and poles broken,

We have dark streets, encouraged and increased criminality

Causing injury, …..deaths.

We cry out to ‘government’ to come rescue us.

When there has been no reliable availability of an acceptable quantity and quality of water for health and livelihoods for so many years in certain states in the country.

When one in every five of the world’s-out of school children is in Nigeria.

When healthcare services and institutions are in a precarious state.

We try to get the attention of ‘government’.

We call in to radio stations; bérékete etc

To tv stations……

to lament.

Then the anchors look into the cameras

Speak into the soundboard

They say…

‘government… if you are listening out here, please do something’


And A lot of times…,

Most times

when we share these grievances,

they get lost in transmission…… because it is directed at ‘government (everybody)’…. but then to nobody.

So, people would naturally cover their errors and deny responsibility.

There is no character of keeping agreements and performing jobs.

No character of becoming aware of one’s errors and shortfalls

My take…

We need to adopt the Call-Out system.

Such that the commissioner for education in Niger State for e.g. will be subdued,

Because her/his 8-year-old son recognizes that his name and his office were called out in the news.

And is required to give a justification

for some rerouted funds.

We need to emphasize the need for people to have an accountability temperament

And get me right; accountability…. and not blame.

Get who the heck-ever ‘government’ is to take ownership of her/his shortfall.

Be willing to be accountable

& willing to consider whether he/she has lived up to their end of the agreement or expectation.

For your attention,

Did you know that someone’s job in the Federal Ministry of Environment (FME) is to address your call when you report Vehicle Exhaust Gross Polluters?

You know like the Bus or vehicle that is just spewing black smoke from the exhaust…

Someone’s job is to enforce an environmental law so that the next time you see the same bus,

the exhaust is cleaned up or it should be fined?

I bet you didn’t!

So ‘someone’ and ‘government’ get a pay check for doing absolutely nothing the whole year round.

We need to remember to squeeze politicians / public officials to account for their decisions;

In retrospect, it is one of the cornerstones of democracy.

We need a call-out habit

Because in heading up a government department or departments, ministers are responsible for the effectiveness and efficiency of the agencies within their portfolio.

And so are governors, senators,

local government chairpersons,

commissioners etc.


Dear ‘Government’;

Sit up! And tactically address ALL issues.

But, Who the heck is ‘government’ anyway?

Government is a parasite that sucks life from an economy.

Is a Gimmicky-grab-bag of projects.

The name government even has some masculinity to its gender,

As if a feminine in that position can easily dodge the bullet,

Adding to the irrationality of the nomenclature.

So, the next time you have a plight, don’t cry out to ‘government’…

Name the parasite sitting at that desk.

The Butcher!

A Sane-Habitat Activist

March 2021

